
Prominent Global Figures Address Key Agendas at COP28 UN Climate Summit: What are the top agendas?

COP28 UN Climate Summit

Global Leaders Address Agendas at COP28 UN Climate Summit

The COP28 climate conference in Dubai kicked off with a power-packed lineup of over 130 world leaders, addressing the urgent need to curb climate change. However, the absence of two influential figures, President Joe Biden of the US and China‘s President Xi Jinping, raised eyebrows.

Just weeks after a bilateral agreement to tackle methane emissions, both leaders opted to sit out this crucial conference. Instead, their representatives, US Vice President Kamala Harris and China's First Vice Premier, Ding Xuexiang, will be present. This decision comes at a critical time when the world looks to the United Nations for unified efforts to combat climate change.

Among the attendees are Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, a major oil producer, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, whose cities grapple with severe air pollution. The focus of the conference is clear: preventing excessive planetary heating due to human activities, primarily the release of carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to emphasize the imperative to reduce fossil fuel usage and transition to renewable energies. However, the absence of the leaders from the two largest carbon-polluting nations, responsible for over 44% of global emissions, raises concerns about the effectiveness of the summit.

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known for overseeing the world's largest natural carbon-capture zone, the Amazon rainforest, will be in attendance. His presence adds weight to the discussions, especially considering the environmental challenges faced by Brazil.

The line-up also includes President Isaac Herzog of Israel, who, amidst tensions with Hamas militants in Gaza, will engage with influential figures in the Middle East. Despite his more ceremonial role, his participation signifies the global impact of climate change.

A significant development took place on the opening day when nations united to create a “loss and damage” fund. This fund aims to provide compensation to countries, particularly developing ones, for the devastating impacts of climate-related events such as floods, droughts, and heat waves.

Many leaders speaking at the summit represent nations severely affected by climate change, including those grappling with floods, storms, droughts, and heatwaves. This includes island nations like Palau and the Maldives, as well as leaders from Pakistan and Libya, who recently witnessed widespread devastation due to floods.

As COP28 unfolds, the world watches to see if the absence of Biden and Xi will hinder global efforts to address climate change or if their deputies can convey the urgency of the situation. The creation of the “loss and damage” fund signifies a step towards addressing the immediate consequences of climate change, emphasizing the need for collective action on a global scale.

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