
Netanyahu Rejects Two-State Solution: The Escalating Divergence in Israeli-U.S. Relations

Israel's Netanyahu Rejects US Advocacy for Palestinian State

Israel's Netanyahu Rejects US Advocacy for Palestinian State

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that he opposes the idea of establishing a Palestinian state after the conflict in Gaza concludes.

During a news conference, he expressed determination to continue the offensive in Gaza until what he called “complete victory,” which involves destroying Hamas and bringing back Israeli hostages. Netanyahu suggested that this process might take “many more months.”

The international community, including the US and both allies and adversaries of Israel, has been calling for a revival of the “two-state solution” to address the ongoing conflict.

This solution envisions a future where a Palestinian state coexists alongside Israel. However, Netanyahu's remarks indicate a divergence from this diplomatic approach.

In the news conference, Netanyahu emphasized the importance of Israel maintaining security control over all land west of the River Jordan, which includes any potential territory for a future Palestinian state. He conveyed this message to the United States, indicating a disagreement with the idea of Palestinian sovereignty.

Despite the urging from the US for a two-state solution and efforts to influence Israel's military policy, he has remained steadfast in rejecting these diplomatic pushes.

This public disagreement is widening the gap between Israel and its Western allies, with the Biden administration expressing commitment to a two-state solution despite Netanyahu's opposition.

While Netanyahu's stance aligns with his historical opposition to Palestinian statehood, it has sparked concern and dismay among those who are increasingly troubled by the human cost of the conflict. Recent polls indicate that most Israelis prioritize bringing home the remaining hostages over the challenging goal of destroying Hamas.

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